Here’s a little teaser to pass the time away while you worry about what to wear to your office party. See if you can work out what the little plastic things are in the photos below! Have a clue… they are essential to make any boxed item you are going to buy for Christmas. And a fact about the manufacturer based in Tonbridge… there are only three companies who produce this technical product, that’s not just in Sussex or the UK or Europe but on the whole planet!
This is why commercial photography can be so interesting it takes you to random places with which you would never normally cross paths. The clients are often apologetic when approaching about this type of shoot, they say things like …and to quote ourclient…”its very dull and industrial I’m afraid”. Ha! Far from it we really enjoy this type of micro work there’s a sense of being allowed in to a secret world and satisfaction at doing it well.
So did you work it out? Check out their website the company is called ManMat.